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Tech Stack

Resuminator from the outside may look like a simple piece of software but the machinery underneath it sophisticated enough to provide you a smooth user experience and seamless resume building experience.

We develop and deploy our products with a variety of frameworks and tools. You can find the tech stack related to different repositories below.


Found at resuminator/resuminator, this repository holds the code for the Resuminator webapp and its website.

Programming Language - TypeScript v4

React^17Primary development framework
Next JS^11.1.2Development Framework with React
Chakra-UI^1.6UI Component Library
Framer Motion^4.1.11Animation Library
Zustand^3.5.1State Management Library
Axios^0.21.3HTTP Client for requests

Apart from this primary tech stack, we use several other libraries to achieve specific functionality which you may find around the codebase.


Found at resuminator/resuminator-server, serves as the primary backend API server for fetching and updating user data.

Programming Language - TypeScript v4

Express JS^4.7.1Node.js Framework
Mongoose^5.13.2MongoDB Object Data Modeling
Firebase Admin^9.11.0Server-side Authentication
JOI^17.4.0Data Validation

Apart from this we use two primary third-party services


Found at resuminator/docs, serves as the codebase for the documentation and Wiki for Resuminator and its products.

Framework Used - Docusaurus v2


  • Our frontend is completely hosted on Vercel, because it is hands down the best hosting solution for any Next JS website/app.

  • Resuminator Server is currently hosted on Heroku, which provides a decent and free hosting solution for our needs.

  • Docs are hosted on Netlify which is another brilliant hosting solution for all the JAMStack websites and otherwise