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Now that we have cooked our resume, we can go on to the presentation part and how our resume will look like.

Resuminator provides various customizations for your resume to change the look and feel of your resume to create a lasting impression.

Body Style#

Resuminator provides you the option for the single and two column display.

Body styles


Most organisations prefer the single-column format because it is easier to parse and read in their software.


When switching from one option to another, Resuminator automatically rearranges the sections, with column one on the top and column two being the bottom.

Resume spacing#

Resuminator provides you the option to customize the white space in your resume varying from Compact to Large spacing.

Resume Spacing

Font and Feel#

Most of us suffer from the dilemma of choice while selecting the "perfect" font for resumes. Hence Resuminator abstracts this process using handpicked font pairings.

The names signify the feel of the resume while abstracting the font name.



Resuminator already provides you with five predefined palettes if you don't want to give it excessive thought, but if you are feeling adventurous then Resuminator also provides a custom HEX input option.



Resuminator provides you a grayscale preview checkbox to see how you resume will look like in grayscale.